Rural Eastern Virginia Writing Project

Administrators: Become A Part of the REVWP

The Rural Eastern Virginia Writing Project Summer Institute is open to administrators at all levels from the school divisions in our region.  In addition to gaining a broader perspective on the writing process and having access to excellent presenters from a variety of writing genres, adminstrators will also have the opportunity to prepare and present a Professional Workshop during the Summer Institute, which they will ultimately have the capacity to share with other professionals.

The Summer Institute is offered as a 3-credit Graduate Level course from The College of William & Mary at Rappahannock Community College, Warsaw, so administrators in need of recertification credits will earn graduate course credit for taking advantage of this excellent opportunity for professional development. 

As members of your teaching staff attend the Summer Institute alongside the administrative staff, both teachers and administrators will gain a new appreciation for the insight and ingenuity it takes to make our schools work successfully.  Teachers will also leave with a set of Professional Workshops that they can share with their peers in your school division, which is professional development that is free of cost.

It is worthwhile to consider the REVWP as personal professional development, and to invite your teachers who have attended the Summer Institute previously to share what they have learned and created with their peers.

Professional Resources for Administrators:

The National Writing Project Website

The National Writing Project Website is a warehouse for professional articles on best practices in writing instruction, research-based practices that should guide instruction, and innovative programs that are currently being researched, implemented, and proven successful across the country.  The site also provides resources for parents and students, and highlights current trends and practices in such areas as technological education, reading education, and post-secondary education.

The National Council of Teachers of English Website

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Website houses articles, online seminars, journals targeted to elementary, middle, secondary, and post-secondary audiences, and links to current events in English education.  It is also possible to become a member of the NCTE organization, which provides access to the print-version journals, online seminars, and other materials at a reduced cost.  This site is an excellent resource for all reading, writing, and English teachers, as it houses links to articles and resources that are applicable to teachers across all grade levels, and keeps all teachers and administrators current on the best practices and most current research in reading and writing education.